Refund Policy

Crypto Bolt Capitals guarantees to any its User his/her right for refund, in case such User is not satisfied with the quality of the provided Services. Furthermore, declares that its User has the right to change his/her mind in case the User’s Account was already funded and to request his/her Funds to be returned.

Every Refund and Return are treated by with reasonable care and skill.


1). This Refund Policy concerns exclusively Transaction fees and Users’ Funds.

2). This Refund Policy does not cover any transactions between the Users related to purchase-sale of crypto-currencies, as well as GHS, and it does not refer to any refunds for purchased crypto-currencies and GHS.

3). Crypto Bolt Capitals undertakes to make its best efforts to assist the Users in case of any disputes related to refunds of purchased crypto-currencies and GHS.

4). Refunds and Returns in excess of the original amount are prohibited.